Application Process
A Membership Application may be requested by any current Whitemarsh Member to be presented to a Prospective Member Candidate.
The Application Packet should be completed and returned with all of the following;
· Membership Application completed by the Candidate legibly and fully signed by the Candidate and their spouse/fiancé.
· Proposer Questionnaire
· (2) Seconder Questionnaires
· Letters of recommendation from the Candidate's Proposer and each of the Candidate's two (2) Seconders
· A check payable to Whitemarsh Valley Country Club for the appropriate amount. This amount will be determined and provided to the Candidate when they are ready to submit the application.
Upon review of completed Prospective Member Application packet, a notice of application will be sent to the entire Membership by email giving a brief description of the candidate applying. If no information, objection, or concern has been received from a member, the Membership Committee will schedule an interview with the Candidate and spouse/fiancé.
The Application process can take up to 30 days from the time the application was submitted.
Applicants for all categories of membership, except Social, must be proposed and seconded by Proprietary members. An applicant for a Social Membership may be proposed and seconded by Proprietary and/or Social members. This requirement is important for any applicant who is applying for social membership but who intends in the future to request a change to the Proprietary membership category.